by - January 06, 2015


Last day I was checking facebook and I saw an article about teaching women how to go on a trip without looking miserable; it was tough but real, and that was when it made me think that as men we also could be going on a trip with style I mean not saying miserable or even worst trashy. 
And the answer to this open wide question you may think is a hard one but no, it is so simple and hanging right on your closet and kept right on your drawer and it is TheBasics.
Let's be honest You must owe at least on of these garments and if you don't you better hurry and buy it because the best of all is that if you take care of it you will see how through the years the choice about buying it was worthful, instead of buying just a trend.
A good tip is to invest in basic quality garments and to buy cheap trendy ones. I do really hope this could help you next time you are going on a trip or whenever you don´t want to overdress.


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